Who is Lola?

Lola's Story.

Well. Lola's story actually begins long before Lola.

It all began with a gorgeous little chap named Charlie. A seal mitted Ragdoll. In case you've never heard of Ragdolls before, they are BIG fluffy cats, all with dazzling blue eyes, and equally big personalities to match.

Here's Charlie.

He was my first pet of my own, and I completely and utterly fell in love. He came to me in June 2012 aged 3 months old. I had been told that Ragdolls are addictive and that you can't possibly have just one.

Well. By Christmas I had decided I needed another in my life, and more importantly, a pal for Charlie. So in the new year I began my search, and came across a Ragdoll Rescue charity. It wasn't long before I got a call to say there was a girl that needed a home. And that's when I met Lola.

She's a funny little creature. She has a face that looks constantly puzzled. She likes sleeping under the covers. She shuffles her feet on any shiny surface, and ALWAYS before drinking water.

Charlie and Lola (yes this may have been intentional) were firm friends, although they had their arguments as siblings do.

Sadly Charlie wasn't meant to be on this earth very long. When he was just a year old he had heart failure and we said a very sad goodbye. He may have had a short life, but it was most certainly a fabulous one.

The story doesn't quite end there. Charlie left a gap that could never be filled in quite the same way. However, none the less, there was a gap that needed filling (for both Lola and I!)

So meet Louie, the most recent addition to the furry gang.

Ta da.

What a beaut.

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