Louie's first time venturing outside was met with my neighbours cat, Harvey. I think he did pretty well pretending not to be scared/bothered, he held his ground until Harvey was an inch from his whiskers before he ran inside :)

So, the front door was closed, the flap taped open, and we stood outside and waited. Called their names. Offered them treats. Waved a stick with a feather on the end through the hole.
The response?
Confusion. Bewilderment. A few meows. But definitely, no attempt at using the flap.

Until Louie appears. He confidently trots down the stairs, pokes his head out of the flap, and makes his bid for freedom. Though he does make time for a quick turn to look at Lola, still the other side of the flap and looking a little bemused, and wonder what all the fuss is about.

I'm pleased to say that Lola eventually grasped it. About three weeks later I heard a bit of a bump and a crash and saw her white tail disappear into the outside world. That was with the flap still taped open. It is now closed, and we are having to start again. Wish us luck! Things aren't always easy when you have a brain as fluffy as Lola's.
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